Hello Canada

MV Organic Skincare in Hello Canada
MV Organic Skincare in Hello Canada

Fresh Start

Who says your tried-and-true face wash doesn't need a revamp?

If you’ve been reaching for that same humdrum bottle of foaming cleanser and the grainy tube of face scrub in your shower has seen better days, it may be time to reconsider how you’re washing your face. Formulas and methods have come a long way since glycerin soaps and face cloths. And remember, your skin goes through its own transformation during the long and drying Canadian winter. So it’s important to regularly switch up your routine and treat your skin with ultimate care, ensuring your complexion stays looking its best – smooth, soft and naturally glowing.


If you’ve been using a cleanser that’s extra foamy and leaves you with that squeaky-clean feeling, chances are you’re stripping your skin of its natural healing oils. These alkaline formulas throw off your skin’s pH and leave you high and dry, no matter what time of year it is, says Dr. Sandy Skotnicki, dermatologist and medical director of Toronto’s Bay Dermatology Centre. “Over time, [alkaline cleansers] can cause a problem because you’re decreasing your skin barrier, which is causing tiny little holes in your skin, allowing things, such as pollution, to get in while moisture gets out.”

Rather than reaching for lathering suds, try cleansing with an oil formula that contains good-quality essential oils to nourish your skin’s lipid layer instead of water, which can actually be dehydrating, especially for those who are typically sensitive or reactive, says Sharon McGlinchey, founder of Australian-based MV Skintherapy. A telltale sign that you’ve been exposing your face to too much water is if you feel tight and dry and look red or blotchy when you get out of the shower. Instead of splashing away at the sink while washing, “follow an oil cleanser with a warm or hot compress to provide heat and encourage absorption,” says Sharon. “This helps deliver antioxidants to the deeper layers of the skin, where they can be anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.”

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#Beauty Rebel

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MV’s Antidotes To Cosmeceutical Damage

MV’s Antidotes To Cosmeceutical Damage

Research suggests that cosmetic procedures are on the rise in Australia, with estimates that Australians are spending more than $1 billion each year on cosmetic treatments, including cosmeceutical treatments, Botox and cosmetic surgery – 40 percent more than what Americans spend on a per-capita basis. But in Australia and many other countries, cosmetic surgery is less regulated than the work done by plastic surgeons and is often performed outside of traditional medical environments. This can lead to complications when these treatments are incorrectly administered, or when the proposal treatment protocols are not advised.

So what should you put on your skin after you’ve had a cosmeceutical treatment, especially if your skin seems raw or is showing signs of trauma (like redness or irritation)? 

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100% Australian owned & made On Sydney's Northern Beaches
Sensitive Skin Friendly Created because of, and for, sensitive skin
Small batch & Handcrafted Using only therapeutic grade ingredients
100% Australian owned & made On Sydney's Northern Beaches
Sensitive Skin Friendly Created because of, and for, sensitive skin
Small batch & Handcrafted Using only therapeutic grade ingredients