Stay Connected

1. Make a power call
You’re a pro at multi-tasking at work, so apply the practice at home – combine grocery shopping with a call to your mum, use your daily walk to hook up with the girls (the ‘merge call’ feature on your iPhone lets you merge up to 5 calls) or give your loved one a bell while you’re folding the washing. A quick call is better than no call at all.

2. Throw a digital house party
Get the gang together with MV founder Sharon’s favourite video chat app – House Party. It’s fun, easy and comes with built-in games if things get crazy. Just download, show up and start chatting. Strictly BYO.

3. Relive childhood holidays
Challenge your favourite family members to a game on the Words with Friends app. It’s a scrabble on steroids. Winner gets bragging rights. For iPhone or iPad.

4. Pen a letter
Yep, put your thoughts down on paper. Then do what Melbourne-based writer and illustrator Naomi Bulger does – decorate the envelope. For inspiration, you can take her online letter writing and mail-art course.
